Sunday 19 October 2014


I've decided to start writing a blog. I'm not entirely sure what the point is or if I believe it is anything but the outpourings of a narcissistic soul who wants nothing more than to be heard, but then again, isn't that what every artist, every musician and every author there has ever been has wanted?
To be noticed.
A Blog is a "web log" - a diary. I definitely don't think anyone would want to read my actual diary - to be fair, it scares me sometimes too - but as a forum for the sharing of ideas and opinions there is nothing better.

I'd better start with an explanation of myself. I'm an eighteen year-old English student living in Wales. I study English Literature and German and I'm loving University.
I like to read and write - anything at all really, but Science Fiction and Fantasy are my passion. I'm writing a series of six fantasy novels at the moment - if anyone decides to read this blog then they'll get a few snippets - and I have a few other projects waiting in the wings.
I love to cook and bake, so from time to time there may be recipes and pictures of my various culinary triumphs and disasters.
I'm also a bit of a geek or nerd. I love programmes like Doctor Who, Game of Thrones and Arrow, and I'm eagerly awaiting the third installment in the Dragon Age game series, Inquistion. I can't say this without sounding like I have an over-inflated ego, but I have a truly remarkable brain. My nickname throughout school was Dictionary, and my college English teacher called me his walking Encyclopaedia (his actual words were "Wikipedia," but I object to that one on principle).
Also, as a newly out gay man, there may be, from time to time, accounts of coming out, advice for those who haven't and support for anyone who needs it.

I can't believe how terrible this sounds, nor that I actually decided to do this with no pressure from anyone else. 
Any way, signing off for now,


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